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Version: 6.0.0-beta.3 - 6.0.0-beta.4

Release Note

Release Note v6.0.0-beta.4

Replace ethers@v5/abi with abiCoder of ethers@v6

As ethers@v6 provides a deep argument to Result.toArray method, we can upgrade our abiCoder module. And that brings some changes. ethers@v6 has dropped the use of bn.js, and replaced it with BigInt. So all the returned numbers will be in BigInt type, not a wrapper of bn.js. And the error message changed too. There are several situations you may find:

  1. passing a argument which is not a valid BytesLike value to utils.abi.decodeParams, the error message changed from invalid arrayify value to a text starts with invalid BytesLike value.
  2. passing the wrong argument to utils.abi.decodeParams, it won't throw errors but returns a Result containing error objects. Maybe part of the data can be decoded correctly.
  3. The number returned by abiCoder changed from a wrapper of bn.js to BigInt, so we recommend you not using apis of bn.js directly but wraping it with BigNumber.js(note this BigNumber.js is not the wrapper name of ether@v5/BigNumber). If you don't want to use BigNumber.js, you can use BigInt like normal number directly.

Change headers type in TronWeb constructor

Options of TronWeb constructor contains a headers field, and it used to be AxiosRequestHeaders type. It's not a correct type because you can't set custom headers in it. Thus, we change it to HeadersType which is equal to RawAxiosRequestHeaders | AxiosHeaders | Partial<HeadersDefaults> to make it work with custom headers. But there's a case what you may need to note is that when you want to retrive the values of the headers, you need to specify the type explicitly. Like below:

import { Types } from 'tronweb';

const apiKey = (tronWeb.fullNode.headers as Types.RequestHeaders)['TRON-PRO-API-KEY'];

Export all Types and enum objects

In the former versions of v6.0.0-beta, we didn't export types and enum objects. That causes several problems with using types with TronWeb. In this version, we export all types and enum objects to Types field, so you can use it like the headers retriving case before and below:

import { Types } from 'tronweb';

switch (contractType) {
case Types.ContractType.TransferContract:
// do something....

Release Note v6.0.0-beta.3

New Features

  • Add Trx.ecRecover to recover the address of a signed transaction.
  • Support both base58 format and hex format address field in keys of updateAccountPermissions params.

Better typescript type support

  • Don't need to use any type for contract instance to call contract methods.
  • When using plugins, you can define a new TronWeb type as below to support type for plugin props or methods:
declare namespace globalThis {
interface MyTronWeb extends TronWeb {
trx: {
getCurrentBlock(): Promise<Block & { fromPlugin: true }>;
getLatestBlock(): Promise<Block & { fromPlugin: true }>;
getSomeParameter(): string;
} & Trx;
const tronWeb = new TronWeb() as globalThis.MyTronWeb;
const someParameter = 'someParameter';
const result = tronWeb.plugin.register(MyPlugin, {

const result2 = await tronWeb.trx.getCurrentBlock();
assert.equal(result2.blockID.length, 64);

const result3 = await tronWeb.trx.getSomeParameter();
assert.equal(result3, someParameter);


  1. Cannot destructure property 'Transaction' of 'globalThis.TronWebProto' as it is undefined.

This is a problem caused by webpack as it doesn't load cjs file correctly. To solve this problem, you need to add a new rule like below:

test: /\.cjs$/,
type: 'javascript/auto'