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Version: 6.0.0


Getting Started

The TronWeb is a JavaScript library for building Web3 projects on TRON. It consists of 4 main parts:

  1. TransactionBuilder for building transactions with client-side integrity check.
  2. Trx for requesting data from nodes or sign transactions etc.
  3. Contract for interacting with contracts.
  4. Other useful Utils like web3.js or ethers.js.



npm install tronweb


yarn add tronweb


The easiest way to use TronWeb in a browser is to install it as above and copy the dist file to your working folder. For example:

cp node_modules/tronweb/dist/TronWeb.js ./js/tronweb.js

so that you can call it in your HTML page as

<script src="./js/tronweb.js"><script>


Then your javascript file, define TronWeb:

const TronWeb = require('tronweb');

When you instantiate TronWeb you can set

  • fullHost

Supposing you are using a server that provides everything, like TronGrid, you can instantiate TronWeb as:

const tronWeb = new TronWeb({
  fullHost: '',
  headers: { 'TRON-PRO-API-KEY': 'your api key' },
  privateKey: 'your private key'

Like infura API Key, you can sign up for TronGrid and create your API key on the dashboard to access TRON Network data.


  • Do not expose your private key in any web browser environment.
  • You can instantiate TronWeb without privateKey, if you only need to use some utils functions such as TronWeb.utils
  • If you only want to query information from the TRON Network blockchain without signing a transaction with instantiated tronweb, such as getTransactionInfo, triggerconstantcontract, you can pass a public private key such as 01 to instantiate TronWeb.

Querying the Tron network

You can query data of the Tron network with tronweb.trx easy as follows:

> tronWeb.trx.getBlockByNumber(12345).then(result => {console.log(result)});
Promise { <pending> }
> {
  blockID: '000000000000303987c7c8ab3f5967c107a619fa47819940597e9938811a1764',
  block_header: {
    raw_data: {
      number: 12345,
      txTrieRoot: '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
      witness_address: '414b4778beebb48abe0bc1df42e92e0fe64d0c8685',
      parentHash: '0000000000003038c0a3aa1806236bc5b281633728b5fe8a14a51062522e651d',
      timestamp: 1529928585000
    witness_signature: 'cb889103aa9ce691d39df8030b54b50b12b77984684281f3490e0b802cbc364c13af773ede8d9314add0fa4d247165be82fa28721f17493c88761b7039ba1c1100'

Creating a transaction

Tronweb provides well-rounded APIs to satisfy your transaction building demands. No worry about the transaction would have tampered with because client-side integrity checking is done behind. See the example:

const transaction = await tronWeb.transactionBuilder.sendTrx("TVDGpn4hCSzJ5nkHPLetk8KQBtwaTppnkr", 100, "TNPeeaaFB7K9cmo4uQpcU32zGK8G1NYqeL");
    "visible": false,
    "txID": "9f62a65d0616c749643c4e2620b7877efd0f04dd5b2b4cd14004570d39858d7e",
    "raw_data": {
        "contract": [
                "parameter": {
                    "value": {
                        "amount": 100,
                        "owner_address": "418840e6c55b9ada326d211d818c34a994aeced808",
                        "to_address": "41d3136787e667d1e055d2cd5db4b5f6c880563049"
                    "type_url": ""
                "type": "TransferContract"
        "ref_block_bytes": "0add",
        "ref_block_hash": "6c2763abadf9ed29",
        "expiration": 1581308685000,
        "timestamp": 1581308626092
    "raw_data_hex": "0a020add22086c2763abadf9ed2940c8d5deea822e5a65080112610a2d747970652e676f6f676c65617069732e636f6d2f70726f746f636f6c2e5472616e73666572436f6e747261637412300a15418840e6c55b9ada326d211d818c34a994aeced808121541d3136787e667d1e055d2cd5db4b5f6c880563049186470ac89dbea822e"

Signing a transaction

Tronweb will automatically use the privateKey you provided when you initialize tronweb. Or you can provide an optional privateKey as a second argument.

const signedTransaction = tronWeb.trx.sign(transaction, privateKey);


Broadcasting is as easy as follows:



First, load a contract:

const abi = [...];       
const instance = await tronWeb.contract(abi,'contractAddress');

Call read-only methods:

const result = await contract.function_name(para1,para2,...).call();

Call state changing methods:

const result = await contract.function_name(para1,para2,...).send({